Our Commitment to Sustainability
Perinet is totally committed to sustainability and seeks to embrace the principals of the Paris Agreement.
In 2020, Perinet committed to the installation of an 80 Kw PV solar system together with an energy storage system of 144 Kw, replacing an onsite diesel generator power plant. The solar project was successfully crowd funded via a loan provided by over 240 individual members of our community. The PV solar system became operational in Q1 2021 and is anticipated to supply over 90% of the winery’s future electricity needs. This initiative is estimated to reduce Perinet’s carbon footprint by 96 tons per annum in addition to eliminating noise pollution from the diesel generators. With this initiative, Perinet is leading the most important renewable energy project in the Priorat wine region.
We believe that we must be stewards of the environment and this mindset is reflected first and foremost in our approach to viticulture. Perinet does not apply any synthetic pesticides or herbicides or other toxic chemicals in any of its vineyards. Furthermore, all field work, such as harvesting grapes or pruning vines, are completed by hand, without any mechanized support. Perinet has practiced organic farming for many years and the winery is under an EU certification process, anticipated to be completed in 2023.
Our commitment to sustainability includes small everyday actions such as avoiding single-use plastic items as well as employing a local team and working with local suppliers. The total Perinet estate comprises 300 ha of which 70% is a Mediterranean wild forest with a rich natural ecosystem. The biodiversity within the estate includes rare speices like Lluciapomaresius panteli (Somereta del Montsant) and the turtle Testudo hermanni. Additionally, to actively promote biodiversity, we host a bee farm, locating different hives around our forest.
The Perinet team is passionate about quality - that means delivering the highest quality wines and the best results for all our constituents which includes our customers and community. We also believe in supporting our community by sourcing local labour and materials whenever possible. Perinet proactively promotes the Priorat DOQ on social media with a view that a stronger regional community enhances everyone’s success locally.
Perinet is proud to host over 3,000 guests per year and all our visitors leave with a stronger sense of place and with an enhanced appreciation about the local history, wines and culture. We encourage our guests to stay at local hotels and guest houses and we actively promote local restaurants and activities. Our famous harvest events further support numerous local businesses.
In 2020, Perinet focused on health and safety during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are proud that we reported zero cases of Covid and that we preserved the employment of all our team members during this difficult period.
Perinet has also launched the Likka wine label in conjunction with the Catalan charity Marató de TV3 where EUR 2 per bottle is donated to Covid research. Our intention is to participate in this charitable initiative every year.
Perinet is proud to be a member of Priorat Network for the sustainable-regenerative development of the Priorat county. From its inception in 2015, the organization has supported the Festival Terrer Priorat, a music and wine festival celebrated in the region. Together with this initiative, we also support several local wine fairs that the community organizes.

Perinet is led by Antoni Sànchez-Ortiz. With over 20 years of winemaking and viticulture experience, Toni has been the head winemaker at Perinet since 2015. Toni assumed full responsibilities for day-to-day operations in 2019. He trained as a winemaker in New Zealand, Australia, California and Germany and combines his deep knowledge of science with the art of winemaking. Toni is also a Professor of Enology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona.
The Perinet Winery board of directors comprises the following individuals:
- Henry McGovern, Chairman
- June McIvor, CEO Tolosa Winery
- Robin Baggett, CEO Alpha Omega Collective
- Kevin Sullivan, Non Executive Director
- Steve Winegar, Non Executive Director